30/12/2024 - Support over Christmas. Please click HERE FOR ENGLISH VERSION and HERE FOR WELSH
04/12/2024 - Household and Energy Bills. Please click HERE FOR ENGLISH VERSION and HERE FOR WELSH
28/10/2024 - Support for Older People. Please click HERE FOR ENGLISH version and
30/09/2024 -Please click HERE FOR ENGLISH version and HERE FOR WELSH
09/09/2024 - Please click HERE FOR ENGLISH & WELSH versions
(16th February 2024)
The topic of the next bulletin – on 15th of March – will be ‘Support for Older people’.
Area 43
With loneliness and isolation being so prevalent in today’s society, Area 43’s Youth Café, Depot, in Cardigan encourages social inclusion in a youth-led environment. This warm, safe space is open access until 7pm Monday to Saturday. Youth support workers are always available to be supportive and maintain a safe atmosphere where advice can be offered and problems shared. Young people can socialise with each other and are empowered to offer peer-to-peer support under the guidance of youth support workers. With the support of food poverty grants and Fareshare food surplus, they also offer free and subsidised food and drinks
Depot is a dedicated safe space for children and young people from 14 – 25, open six days per week. Saturday mornings, 11am – 1pm, are dedicated to 11 – 13 year olds. They also provide free counselling services across Ceredigion for young people up to the age of 30 years, which can be easily accessed by self-referral here.
Age Cymru Dyfed
Age Cymru Dyfed’s Byw Adref Home Support service provides holistic support to people over 50 in Ceredigion. The service consists of general cleaning, light shopping from a local shop, assistance with meal preparation, dog walking and a sitting service. For further information, please contact 01239 615556 or email:
Age Cymru Dyfed’s Befriending Life Links project operates across the County and aims to support people over the age of 50 who, for whatever reason, have become socially isolated, withdrawn, have lost their confidence or just have a low sense of wellbeing. The aim of the project is to support individuals to do the things they enjoy doing, to live the life they want to live.
For further information please ring 0333 344 7874 or email:
Age Cymru Dyfed hosts a range of digital inclusion projects to help older people, particularly to develop their digital skills. All digital inclusion services are completely free! We just ask you to bring a commitment to attending sessions and a willingness to learn new online skills. Those who don't have access to the internet or a mobile device, nor the confidence to do things online, are at risk of being excluded from services and opportunities. It also means missing out on all the benefits the Internet can bring, such as social connection, keeping on top of your health, accessing information, saving money and online shopping.
For further information please ring 0333 344 7874 or email:
The Catalysts for Care project is coming to Ceredigion
Since early 2020 Planed have been working with partners in the public and third sectors to introduce a new way of enhancing choice and control around the care people receive in their own home.
The project - which helps local people set up as micro enterprises offering care, companionship and support - has been running in Pembrokeshire and Carmarthenshire and is now launching in Ceredigion.
Sue Lewis is the newly appointed co-ordinator for the county - contact her at and you can find out more about the project here PLANED | Catalysts for Care
West Wales Domestic Abuse Service
West Wales Domestic Abuse Service provides a free, confidential service throughout Ceredigion to anybody suffering or experiencing domestic abuse regardless of their age, race, gender, sexual orientation or financial circumstances. 24 Hour Emergency Helpline 01970 625585 or 01239 615385. For more information on support that’s available: West Wales Domestic Abuse Service (
UK SAYS NO MORE- Safe Spaces
If you are experiencing domestic abuse, it can be isolating and difficult to find support or think about your options. That’s why we created Safe Spaces. UK SAYS NO MORE is working with pharmacies, banks and selected jobcentres across the UK to provide Safe Spaces in their consultation rooms for people experiencing domestic abuse. Find your nearest Safe Space here.
Uplifting Aerial
Small World Theatre are now offering our own Uplifting Aerial programme. The programme runs on a referral basis from statutory services, third sector organisations and parents/guardians. Participants will be part of a small group (no more than 9) of secondary school age. They will experience a combination of aerial yoga, information on emotional regulation and develop aerial circus skills.
Sessions are run by Small World’s Syrcas Byd Bach aerial circus teachers with support from Amethyst Project workers and will take place fortnightly from the 19th of February until 1st July during school term time. Amethyst prioritises creating a safe, supportive, non-judgemental, well boundaried space. We model kindness, empathy, honesty and integrity. For more information contact: 01239 615 952 /
Stop Loan Sharks Wales
We work with charities, local authorities, advice and support agencies, credit unions, housing providers and other organisations to raise awareness of the loan shark problem. If you are a support worker, advisor or front-line worker, you can receive free training to help you recognise loan shark activity and identify potential victims. In turn, we support your clients and customers, if they are the victims of suspected illegal lenders. Contact us for more information.
Scam Awareness
Be aware of scams, including digital ones, on your doorstep, by phone and post. For more support and information: Scams - Ceredigion County Council
Warm Welcome Space
The map which shows where the Warm Welcome Spaces are located across the county has been updated for winter 23-24.
The aim of these centres is to encourage communities to get together for a chat and a cuppa – some offer a hot meal and activities as well.
This year, 53 Warm Welcome Spaces are open to all, for free or a small donation.
Check out the interactive map on the Council’s website to find your local Warm Welcome Space: Ceredigion Warm Welcome Spaces Winter 2023-24 – Google My Maps.
People who are not able to access the online map can call Clic customer services and ask about the Warm Welcome Spaces on 01545 570881. If you are thinking of setting up a Warm Welcome Space in Ceredigion, please get in touch with CAVO on 01570 423232.
Ceredigion Library
Join the library to enjoy books as well as our digital library, magazines and activities for children.
Gofalwyr Ceredigion Carers
Looking after a relative or a friend who has an illness or disability can be rewarding but it can also be extremely tough. If you look after someone, you can access a range of support in Ceredigion. Gofalwyr Ceredigion Carers will be providing some of this support. This includes:
Proving information, advice and emotional support on an individual basis
Group activities including training and social opportunities
Help to access support to have a break from caring, including respite
Many unpaid carers may already access carers support, attend a carers group, or perhaps receive some respite; however many struggle alone and without support. If you or anybody you know would like a bit of support, whether it is to simply let off steam, get some advice or to have some short-term respite, just get in touch on 03330 143377.
West Wales Walking for Wellbeing
The West Wales Walking for Wellbeing project is an initiative working throughout Ceredigion aiming to get people more active and outdoors through friendly, local walking groups. The project works alongside GP practices and other local centres to set up and oversee walking groups.
The walks are short, sociable and paced to suit individuals with a focus on getting people outdoors in friendly, safe environment.
Dawn Forster is the coordinator for Ceredigion and will be setting up walking groups across the county, which will be led by trained volunteers.
For more details please contact Dawn on or call on 07866985753.
There will be an English and Welsh version of this Bulletin on the Cymuned website
Pwnc y bwletin nesaf – ar 15ed o Fawrth - bydd ‘Cefnogaeth i bobl hŷn’.
Area 43
Gydag unigrwydd ac unigedd mor gyffredin yn y gymdeithas heddiw, mae Caffi Ieuenctid Area 43, Depot, yn Aberteifi yn annog cynhwysiant cymdeithasol mewn amgylchedd a arweinir gan bobl ifanc. Mae modd cael mynediad agored i'r man cynnes a diogel hwn tan 7yh o ddydd Llun i ddydd Sadwrn. Mae gweithwyr cymorth ieuenctid bob amser ar gael i fod yn gefnogol ac yn cynnal awyrgylch diogel lle gellir cynnig cyngor a rhannu problemau. Gall pobl ifanc gymdeithasu â’i gilydd ac mae ganddyn nhw’r grym i gynnig cymorth cymheiriaid o dan arweiniad gweithwyr cymorth ieuenctid. Gyda chymorth grantiau tlodi bwyd a gweddill bwyd Fareshare, maent hefyd yn cynnig bwyd a diodydd am ddim.
Mae Depot yn lle diogel pwrpasol i blant a phobl ifanc rhwng 14 a 25 oed, sydd ar agor chwe diwrnod yr wythnos. Mae boreau Sadwrn, 11am – 1pm, yn cael eu neilltuo ar gyfer plant 11 – 13 oed. Maent hefyd yn darparu gwasanaethau cwnsela am ddim ar draws Ceredigion i bobl ifanc hyd at 30 oed, y gellir eu cyrchu’n hawdd trwy hunanatgyfeiriad yma.
Age Cymru Dyfed
Mae gwasanaeth Cymorth Byw Adref Age Cymru Dyfed yn darparu cefnogaeth gyfannol i bobl dros 50 oed yng Ngheredigion. Mae'r gwasanaeth yn cynnwys glanhau cyffredinol, siopa ysgafn o siop leol, cymorth gyda pharatoi prydau bwyd, cerdded cŵn a gwasanaeth eistedd. Am ragor o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â 01239 615556 neu anfonwch e-bost
Mae ein prosiect Cyfeillio'n Cysylltu Bywydau Age Cymru Dyfed yn gweithredu ledled y Sir a'i nod yw cefnogi pobl dros 50 oed sydd, am ba bynnag reswm, wedi dod yn ynysig yn gymdeithasol, wedi cilio, wedi colli eu hyder neu sydd ag ymdeimlad isel o lesiant. Nod y prosiect yw cefnogi unigolion i wneud y pethau y maent yn mwynhau eu gwneud, i fyw'r bywyd y maent eisiau ei fyw.
Am ragor o wybodaeth ffoniwch 0333 344 7874 neu anfonwch e-bost at:
Mae Age Cymru Dyfed yn cynnal amrywiaeth o brosiectau cynhwysiant digidol i helpu pobl hŷn, yn enwedig i ddatblygu eu sgiliau digidol. Mae'r holl wasanaethau cynhwysiant digidol yn gwbl rad ac am ddim! Gofynnwn i chi ddod ag ymrwymiad i fynychu sesiynau a pharodrwydd i ddysgu sgiliau ar-lein newydd. Mae'r rhai nad oes ganddynt fynediad i'r rhyngrwyd neu ddyfais symudol, na'r hyder i wneud pethau ar-lein, mewn perygl o gael eu heithrio o wasanaethau a chyfleoedd. Mae hefyd yn golygu colli allan ar yr holl fuddion y gall y Rhyngrwyd eu cynnig, megis cysylltiad cymdeithasol, cadw ar ben eich iechyd, cyrchu gwybodaeth, arbed arian a siopa ar-lein.
Am ragor o wybodaeth ffoniwch 0333 344 7874 neu anfonwch e-bost at:
Mae'r prosiect Catalyddion Gofal yn dod i Geredigion
Ers dechrau 2020 mae Planed wedi bod yn gweithio gyda phartneriaid yn y sector cyhoeddus a'r trydydd sector i gyflwyno ffordd newydd o wella dewis a rheolaeth o ran y gofal y mae pobl yn ei dderbyn yn eu cartref eu hunain. Mae'r prosiect - sy'n helpu pobl leol i sefydlu fel micro fentrau sy'n cynnig gofal, cwmnïaeth a chefnogaeth - wedi bod yn rhedeg yn Sir Benfro a Sir Gaerfyrddin ac mae bellach yn lansio yng Ngheredigion. Sue Lewis yw cydlynydd newydd y sir - cysylltwch â hi yn a gallwch ddarganfod mwy am y prosiect yma PLANED | Catalyddion Gofal.
Gwasanaeth Cam-drin Domestic Gorllewin Cymru Mae Gwasanaeth Cam-drin Domestig Gorllewin Cymru yn darparu gwasanaeth cyfrinachol am ddim ledled Ceredigion i unrhyw un sy'n dioddef neu'n dioddef cam-drin domestig waeth beth fo'u hoedran, hil, rhyw, cyfeiriadedd rhywiol neu amgylchiadau ariannol. Llinell Gymorth Argyfwng 24 awr 01970 625585 neu 01239 615385. Am fwy o wybodaeth am gefnogaeth sydd ar gael: West Wales Domestic Abuse Service ( (ar gael yn y Saesneg yn unig).
UK SAYS NO MORE- Mannau Diogel
Os ydych chi'n profi cam-drin domestig, gall fod yn unig ag anodd dod o hyd i gymorth neu feddwl am eich opsiynau. Dyna pam yr ydym wedi creu Mannau Diogel. Mae ‘UK SAYS NO MORE’ yn gweithio gyda fferyllfeydd, banciau a chanolfannau gwaith dethol ledled y DU i ddarparu Mannau Diogel yn eu hystafelloedd ymgynghori ar gyfer pobl sy'n profi cam-drin domestig. Dewch o hyd i'ch Man Diogel agosaf yma. (ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig).
Codi Awyr yn Codi Calon
Mae Theatr Byd Bach yn cynnig ein rhaglen Codi Awyr yn Codi Calon ein hunain. Mae’r rhaglen yn rhedeg drwy dderbyn atgyfeiriadau gan wasanaethau statudol, sefydliadau trydydd sector a rhieni/gwarcheidwaid.
Bydd y cyfranogwyr yn rhan o grŵp bychan (dim mwy na 9) o oed ysgol uwchradd. Byddant yn profi cyfuniad o ioga awyrol, gwybodaeth ar reoli emosiynol a datblygu sgiliau syrcas awyrol.
Caiff y sesiynau eu rhedeg gan athrawon syrcas awyrol Syrcas Byd Bach cwmni Theatr Byd Bach gyda chefnogaeth gan weithwyr Prosiect Amethyst a byddant yn digwydd bob pythefnos o 19 Chwefror hyd 1 Gorffennaf yn ystod tymor ysgol. Mae Amethyst yn blaenoriaethu creu gwagleoedd diogel, cefnogol, heb feirniadaeth, gyda ffiniau da. Rydym ni’n modelu caredigrwydd, empathi, gonestrwydd a chywirdeb.
Am fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch â: 01239 615 952 /
Atal Siarcod Benthyg Arian Cymru
Rydym yn gweithio gydag elusennau, awdurdodau lleol, asiantaethau cyngor a chymorth, undebau credyd, darparwyr tai a sefydliadau eraill i godi ymwybyddiaeth o'r broblem benthyca siarcod. Os ydych chi'n weithiwr cymorth, ymgynghorydd neu'n weithiwr rheng flaen, gallwch dderbyn hyfforddiant am ddim i'ch helpu i adnabod gweithgarwch siarcod benthyg a nodi dioddefwyr posibl. Yn ei dro, rydym yn cefnogi eich cleientiaid a'ch cwsmeriaid, os ydynt yn ddioddefwyr o fenthycwyr anghyfreithlon amheuir. Cysylltwch â ni am fwy o wybodaeth.
Ymwybyddiaeth Sgamiau
Byddwch yn ymwybodol o sgamiau, gan gynnwys rhai digidol, ar garreg eich drws, dros y ffôn a drwy’r post. Am fwy o gymorth a gwybodaeth: Scamiau - Cyngor Sir Ceredigion
Mannau Croeso Cynnes
Mae’r map sy’n dangos lle mae Mannau Croeso Cynnes y sir wedi’u lleoli bellach wedi’i ddiweddaru ar gyfer gaeaf 23-24.
Nod y canolfannau hyn yw annog cymunedau i ddod at ei gilydd am sgwrs a phaned – mae rhai yn cynnig pryd poeth a gweithgareddau hefyd.
Eleni, mae 53 Man Croeso Cynnes ar gael i bawb eu defnyddio, a hynny yn rhad ac am ddim neu am gyfraniad bach.
Edrychwch ar y map rhyngweithiol ar wefan y Cyngor i ddod o hyd i’ch Man Croeso Cynnes lleol chi: Mannau Croeso Cynnes Gaeaf 2023-24 – Google My Maps
Gall pobl nad ydynt yn gallu cael mynediad at y map ar-lein ffonio gwasanaethau cwsmeriaid Clic ar 01545 570881 i ofyn am y Mannau Croeso Cynnes. Os ydych chi'n ystyried sefydlu Man Croeso Cynnes yng Ngheredigion, cysylltwch â CAVO ar 01570 423232.
Llyfrgell Ceredigion
Ymunwch â’r llyfrgell i fwynhau llyfrau yn ogystal â’n llyfrgell ddigidol, cylchgronau a gweithgareddau i blant.
Gofalwyr Ceredigion Carers
Gall fod yn werth chweil gofalu am berthynas neu ffrind sydd â salwch neu anabledd, ond gall hefyd fod yn brofiad anodd iawn. Os ydych yn gofalu am rywun, yng Ngheredigion gallwch gael mynediad at amrediad o gymorth. Mae Gofalwyr Ceredigion yn darparu peth o’r gefnogaeth hon. Mae’n cynnwys:
Rhoi gwybodaeth, cyngor a chymorth emosiynol i unigolion
Gweithgareddau grŵp, megis hyfforddiant a chyfleoedd cymdeithasol
Helpu cael mynediad at gymorth i gael seibiant o’r rôl gofal, gan gynnwys gofal seibiant
Hwyrach bod llawer o ofalwyr di-dâl eisoes yn derbyn cymorth i ofalwyr, yn mynychu grŵp gofalwyr, neu’n derbyn rhywfaint o ofal seibiant; fodd bynnag, mae llawer yn bwrw ymlaen wrth eu hunain a heb unrhyw gymorth. Os hoffech chi neu os byddai unrhyw un rydych yn ei adnabod yn hoffi ychydig o gymorth, boed yn gyfle i daflu cylchau, cael cyngor neu seibiant tymor byr, croeso ichi gysylltu â ni drwy 03330 143377.
Cerdded er Budd Lles Gorllewin Cymru
Menter sydd ar waith ar draws Ceredigion yw prosiect Cerdded er Lles Gorllewin Cymru. Mae’n anelu at gael pobl i fod yn fwy egnïol ac i fynd allan i’r awyr agored gyda grwpiau cerdded lleol, cyfeillgar. Mae’r prosiect yn gweithio ochr yn ochr â phractisau meddygon teulu a chanolfannau lleol eraill i sefydlu a goruchwylio grwpiau cerdded.
Mae’r teithiau cerdded yn rhai byr, cymdeithasol ac wedi’u trefnu ar gyflymder sy’n addas i unigolion; maent yn canolbwyntio ar gael pobl i fynd allan i’r awyr agored mewn amgylchedd diogel a chyfeillgar.
Dawn Forster yw’r cydlynydd yng Ngheredigion a bydd yn sefydlu grwpiau cerdded a fydd yn cael eu harwain gan wirfoddolwyr hyfforddedig ar draws y sir.
Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Dawn ar neu ffoniwch 07866985753.
Ceredigion Bulletin – Keeping warm at home
Ceredigion Citizens Advice has an Energy Advice Team
Ceredigion Citizens Advice has an Energy Advice Team, they can provide holistic energy advice. If you qualify, this can advice includes accessing grants to pay for pay as you go gas and electricity, as well as grants to buy oil, lpg, coal and wood. We also have some small energy efficiency items, and winter warmth packs to give out. Contact details 01239 621 974 Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday 10 am to 1 pm, or check out other ways to contact:
There is information available to get help if you’re behind with your energy bills on Citizens advice Get help if you’re behind with your energy bills - Citizens Advice which includes a list of grants to help pay off your energy debt.
ECO4 Flex Funding – Home Energy Efficiency Measures
The Energy Company Obligation 4 (ECO4) is a UK Government energy efficiency scheme that will run until March 2026. Under ECO4 obligated energy suppliers are required to reduce heating costs for low income and vulnerable households by funding energy efficiency, insulation and heating measures. The scheme aims to reduce fuel poverty and energy bills in the long-term and reduce carbon emissions. Energy companies work with third party installers to deliver their obligations under ECO4 and it is up to the energy companies to determine which measures they choose to fund, the level of funding they provide and the installer they choose to work with.
Changes to the Welsh Government Warm Homes scheme
The Welsh Government Warm Homes Nest scheme will come to an end at the end of March 2024, with a new scheme replacing it on Monday 1 April 2024. The new scheme will have a greater focus on low carbon technologies for the home where it makes sense to do so, to support Welsh Government’s ambition to make Wales net zero by 2050.
Under the new scheme, each home will be individually assessed, and the best energy efficient solution will be offered. This may be through insulation, low carbon heating and renewable technologies.
Nest will continue to provide advice to customers on saving energy and money and will remain open from Monday – Friday 9am – 6pm until the end of March 2024. Customers will also be able to express their interest in the new scheme through the Nest advice service and discuss other energy efficiency and low carbon grant schemes which are available.
To maximise delivery of applications in progress by the end of March 2024, we are not taking new applications except for eligible vulnerable customers with no heating or hot water at the property.
Energy Discounts and Other Grants
With the rising cost of energy, there are a number of government schemes and grants available to help people with their bills that you may qualify for such as the Warm Home Discount, the Winter Fuel Payment and the Cold Weather Payment.
Club Cosy - Ceredigion Fuel Clubs
Ceredigion Oil clubs can help you save money, connect to our community and reduce carbon emissions. To find the details of an oil club that covers your local area, go to: Club Cosy - Ceredigion Fuel - Ceredigion County Council
What to do if you're struggling to pay your energy bills
The Money Saving Expert website has some suggestions that could help: What to do if you're struggling to pay your energy bills (
The website also, sadly, includes Heat the human not the home – save cash, stay warm | MoneySavingExpert
Paying for Fuel Webinar
The Paying for Fuel webinar is aimed at frontline workers with no prior knowledge of fuel statements, tariffs or switching.
The course will look at how we are charged for gas and electricity, the types of tariffs we use and how we can limit our expenditure. It will help delegates understand the content of fuel statements and how we can use the information to assist householders.
25 January 2024 (9:15am registration for a 9:30pm start - 12:00pm)
30 January 2024 (9:15am registration for a 9:30pm start - 12:00pm)
12 February 2024 (1:15pm registration for a 1:30pm start - 4:00pm)
Funded places are available to non-commercial organisations based in England and Wales (such as local authorities, housing associations, advice agencies etc). Learners must also be frontline staff or volunteers that encounter and provide advice to those in or at risk of fuel poverty. This applies to webinar delivery only. Book your place here: Training Diary - National Energy Action (NEA)
Head to the County Council’s website for information on Cost-of-living support : Cost of Living Support - Ceredigion County Council
Bwletin Ceredigion – Cadw’n gynnes yn y cartref
Gyngor ar Bopeth Ceredigion Dîm Cyngor ar Ynni
Mae gan Gyngor ar Bopeth Ceredigion Dîm Cyngor ar Ynni, gallant ddarparu cyngor ynni cyfannol. Os ydych yn gymwys, gall hyn gynnwys cael mynediad at grantiau i dalu am dâl wrth i chi fynd (pay as you go) nwy a thrydan, yn ogystal â grantiau i brynu olew, lpg, glo a phren. Mae gennym hefyd rai eitemau effeithlonrwydd ynni bach, a phecynnau cynhesrwydd y gaeaf i'w dosbarthu.
Manylion cyswllt 01239 621 974 Dydd Llun, Dydd Mercher, neu Iau 10am i 1 pm, neu edrychwch ar ffyrdd eraill o gysylltu: Cael Gwybodaeth Cyngor (
Mae gwybodaeth ar gael i gael cymorth os ydych ar ei hôl hi gyda'ch biliau ynni ar Gyngor ar Bopeth Cael help os ydych chi ar ei hôl hi gyda’ch biliau ynni - Cyngor ar Bopeth ( sy’n cynnwys rhestr o grantiau i helpu i dalu'ch dyled ynni.
Cyllid ECO4 Flex - Mesurau Effeithlonrwydd Ynni Cartref
Mae Rhwymedigaeth Cwmnïau Ynni 4 (ECO4) yn gynllun effeithlonrwydd ynni Llywodraeth y DU a fydd yn rhedeg tan fis Mawrth 2026. O dan ECO4 mae'n ofynnol i gyflenwyr ynni leihau costau gwresogi ar gyfer aelwydydd incwm isel ac agored i niwed trwy ariannu mesurau effeithlonrwydd ynni, inswleiddio a gwresogi. Nod y cynllun yw lleihau tlodi tanwydd a biliau ynni yn y tymor hir a lleihau allyriadau carbon. Mae cwmnïau ynni yn gweithio gyda gosodwyr trydydd parti i gyflawni eu rhwymedigaethau o dan ECO4 a'r cwmnïau ynni sydd i benderfynu pa fesurau y maent yn dewis eu hariannu, lefel y cyllid y maent yn ei ddarparu a'r gosodwr y maent yn dewis gweithio ag ef.
Newidiadau i gynllun Cartrefi Cynnes Llywodraeth Cymru
Bydd cynllun Nyth Cartrefi Cynnes Llywodraeth Cymru yn dod i ben ddiwedd Mawrth 2024, gyda chynllun newydd yn ei ddisodli ddydd Llun 1 Ebrill 2024. Bydd gan y cynllun newydd fwy o ffocws ar dechnolegau carbon isel ar gyfer y cartref lle mae’n gwneud synnwyr i wneud hynny, i gefnogi uchelgais Llywodraeth Cymru i wneud Cymru yn sero net erbyn 2050.
O dan y cynllun newydd, bydd pob cartref yn cael ei asesu’n unigol, a chynigir yr ateb gorau sy’n effeithlon o ran ynni. Gall hyn fod drwy inswleiddio, gwresogi carbon isel a thechnolegau adnewyddadwy.
Bydd Nyth yn parhau i roi cyngor i gwsmeriaid ar arbed ynni ac arian a bydd yn parhau ar agor o ddydd Llun i ddydd Gwener rhwng 9am a 6pm tan ddiwedd mis Mawrth 2024. Bydd cwsmeriaid hefyd yn gallu mynegi eu diddordeb yn y cynllun newydd drwy wasanaeth cynghori Nyth a thrafod cynlluniau eraill o ran effeithlonrwydd ynni a’r grantiau carbon isel sydd ar gael.
Er mwyn gwneud y gorau o’r broses o weithredu’r ceisiadau sydd ar y gweill erbyn diwedd mis Mawrth 2024, ni fyddwn yn cymryd ceisiadau newydd ac eithrio cwsmeriaid cymwys sy’n agored i niwed heb wres na dŵr poeth yn yr eiddo.
Gostyngiadau Ynni a Grantiau Eraill
Gyda chost ynni’n codi, mae nifer o gynlluniau a grantiau llywodraeth ar gael i helpu gyda biliau y gallech fod yn gymwys ar eu cyfer megis y Gostyngiad Cartref Cynnes, y Taliad Tanwydd Gaeaf a’r Taliad Tywydd Oer.
Clwb Clud - Clybiau Olew Ceredigion
Gall Clybiau Olew Ceredigion eich helpu i arbed arian, cysylltu â’r gymuned a lleihau allyriadau carbon. I gael hyd i fanylion clwb olew ar gyfer eich ardal chi, ewch i: Clwb Clud - Clybiau Olew - Cyngor Sir Ceredigion
Beth i'w wneud os ydych yn cael trafferth talu eich biliau ynni
Mae’r wefan Money Savig Expert gydag awgrymiadau all helpu: What to do if you're struggling to pay your energy bills ( (ar gael yn y Saesneg yn unig)
Mae'r wefan hefyd, yn anffodus, yn cynnwys gwybodaeth ar sut i gadw'ch hun yn gynnes, yn hytrach na'ch cartref Heat the human not the home – save cash, stay warm | MoneySavingExpert (ar gael yn y Saesneg yn unig)
Gweminar Talu am Danwydd
Mae'r weminar Talu am Danwydd wedi'i anelu at weithwyr rheng flaen heb unrhyw wybodaeth flaenorol am ddatganiadau tanwydd, tariffau na newid.
Bydd y cwrs yn edrych ar sut y codir tâl arnom am nwy a thrydan, y mathau o dariffau a ddefnyddiwn a sut y gallwn gyfyngu ar ein gwariant. Bydd yn helpu cynrychiolwyr i ddeall cynnwys datganiadau tanwydd a sut y gallwn ddefnyddio'r wybodaeth i gynorthwyo deiliaid tai.
· 25 Ionawr 2024 (9:15am cofrestru ar gyfer 9:30pm yn dechrau - 12:00pm)
· 30 Ionawr 2024 (9:15am cofrestru ar gyfer 9:30pm yn dechrau - 12:00pm)
· 12 Chwefror 2024 (1:15pm cofrestru ar gyfer 1:30pm yn dechrau - 4:00pm)
Mae lleoedd a ariennir ar gael i sefydliadau anfasnachol sydd wedi'u lleoli yng Nghymru a Lloegr (megis awdurdodau lleol, cymdeithasau tai, asiantaethau cynghori ac ati). Rhaid i ddysgwyr hefyd fod yn staff rheng flaen neu'n wirfoddolwyr sy'n dod ar draws ac yn rhoi cyngor i'r rhai sydd mewn tlodi tanwydd neu sydd mewn perygl ohono. Mae hyn yn berthnasol i gyflwyno gweminarau yn unig. Archebwch eich lle yma: Training Diary - National Energy Action (NEA) (dolen i wefan allanol, Saesneg yn unig)
Ewch i wefan y Cyngor Sir am wybodaeth am gymorth costau byw : Cymorth Costau Byw - Cyngor Sir Ceredigion
Ceredigion Bulletin – Costs for Families
Help Paying for your Childcare
Get 30 hours of childcare for 3 and 4 year olds in Wales Childcare Offer for Wales - Ceredigion County Council
Tax free Childcare For working families, including the self-employed, in the UK Apply for Tax-Free Childcare - GOV.UK (
Universal Credit for Childcare for working families claiming Universal Credit, in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales Universal Credit childcare costs - GOV.UK (
Further information is available:
Childcare Choices | 30 Hours Childcare, Tax-Free Childcare and More | Help with Costs | GOV.UK – Ensure you click ‘Wales’ as each country is different.
Little Steps Big Struggles Childcare in Wales – Research Report
Research was conducted by Oxfam Cymru to understand the experiences of parents with childcare provision and support in Wales.
The report provides a detailed analysis of gaps in childcare services in Wales and highlights the correlation between childcare and poverty. It also demonstrates the impact of childcare costs and needs on family finances and parents/guardians' employment. The report generates constructive recommendations to achieve a better childcare system in Wales. You can access the report here:
Third 2023/24 Cost of Living Payment dates announced
On 13 December, the Government announced that millions of UK households will shortly get a Cost of Living Payment of £299. This payment will be made to eligible claimants on means tested benefits between Tuesday 6 February and Thursday 22 February.
This is the third of three payments over the financial year totalling up to £900. Customers will receive the payments automatically. They do not need to contact DWP or do anything to receive the payment.
If a household becomes retrospectively entitled to a Cost of Living Payment or someone believes they are entitled but do not receive one, they can report this on GOV.UK from the 23 February.
Children’s and baby’s clothes bank bank.
Find your nearest Baby Bundle Bank - Plant Dewi.
Borth Community Hub have a wide range of children’s clothes for children up to the age of 11.
They also have some lovely books to put in as book bundles .
If anyone would like a bundle they just need to email
Henry Smith Charity is offering grants for Children
Henry Smith Charity – holiday grants for children to support recreational trips or holidays for groups of children who experience disadvantage or who have disabilities. These must take place within the UK, and children must be aged 13 or younger. Applications are being accepted until 19 March 2024 for trips taking place between 15 January and 30 April 2024.
Period Poverty in Ceredigion
Ceredigion County Council in partnership with Ceredigion Youth Council aim to promote period dignity and tackle period poverty through its use of Welsh Government’s Period Dignity Grant: Period Dignity in Ceredigion - Ceredigion County Council which sows where people can find free period products.
Free School Meals
Free School Meals - Ceredigion County Council are available to eligible pupils who attend schools, on a full-time basis, which are under the jurisdiction of Ceredigion Education Authority.
School Essentials Grant
The School Essentials Grant is available to children and young people eligible for free school meals (eFSM), Looked After Children (LAC), and those who are classed as No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF) in year groups Reception to Year 11. Please see the FSM page for details of the qualifying criteria, link seen at the bottom of this page. For more information: School Essentials Grant - Ceredigion County Council
Head to the County Council’s website for information on Cost-of-living support : Cost of Living Support - Ceredigion County Council.
Bwletin Ceredigion – Costau Teuluol
Cymorth i dalu am Gofal Plant
Sicrhewch 30 awr o ofal plant i blant 3 a 4 oed yng Nghymru Cynnig Gofal Plant i Gymru - Cyngor Sir Ceredigion
Gofal Plant Di-dreth Ar gyfer teuluoedd sy'n gweithio, gan gynnwys yr hunan-gyflogedig, yn y DU Gwneud cais am ofal plant sy’n rhydd o dreth - GOV.UK (
Credyd Cynhwysol ar gyfer Gofal Plant i deuluoedd sy’n gweithio sy’n hawlio Credyd Cynhwysol, yn Lloegr, yr Alban, Gogledd Iwerddon a Chymru Costau gofal plant Credyd Cynhwysol - GOV.UK (
Mae rhagor o wybodaeth ar gael: Childcare Choices | 30 Hours Childcare, Tax-Free Childcare and More | Help with Costs | GOV.UK – Yn Saesneg yn unig ma’r ddolen yma. Sicrhewch eich bod yn clicio ar ‘Wales’ gan fod pob gwlad yn wahanol.
Camau Bach Brwydrau Mawr, Gofal Plant yng Nghymru – Adroddiad Ymchwil
Cynhaliwyd ymchwil gan Oxfam Cymru i ddeall profiadau rhieni gyda darpariaeth a chefnogaeth gofal plant yng Nghymru.
Mae’r adroddiad yn rhoi dadansoddiad manwl o bylchau mewn gwasanaethau gofal plant yng Nghymru ac yn amlygu’r gydberthynas rhwng gofal plant a thlodi. Mae hefyd yn dangos effaith costau ac anghenion gofal plant ar gyllid teuluoedd a chyflogaeth rhieni/gwarcheidwaid. Mae'r adroddiad yn cynhyrchu argymhellion adeiladol i sicrhau gwell system gofal plant yng Nghymru.
Gallwch weld yr adroddiad trwy'r dolenni canlynol:
Cyhoeddi dyddiadau Talu Costau Byw 2023/24
Ar 13 Rhagfyr, cyhoeddodd y Llywodraeth y bydd miliynau o aelwydydd y DU yn cael Taliad Costau Byw o £299 cyn bo hir. Bydd y taliad hwn yn cael ei wneud i hawlwyr cymwys ar fudd-daliadau sy’n dibynnu ar brawf modd rhwng dydd Mawrth 6 Chwefror a dydd Iau 22 Chwefror.
Dyma'r trydydd o dri thaliad dros y flwyddyn ariannol sy'n dod i gyfanswm o hyd at £900. Bydd cwsmeriaid yn derbyn y taliadau yn awtomatig. Nid oes angen iddynt gysylltu â'r Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau na gwneud unrhyw beth i dderbyn y taliad.
Os oes gan aelwyd hawl ôl-weithredol i Daliad Cost Byw neu os yw rhywun yn credu bod ganddynt hawl ond nad ydynt yn derbyn un, gallant roi gwybod am hyn ar GOV.UK o 23 Chwefror.
Banciau Dillad Plant a Babanod.
Dewch o hyd i'ch Banc Bwndel Babi - Plant Dewi agosaf.
Mae gan Hyb Cymunedol y Borth ystod eang o ddillad plant ar gyfer plant hyd at 11 oed. Mae ganddynt hefyd rai llyfrau hyfryd i'w rhoi mewn fel bwndeli llyfrau. Os hoffai unrhyw un gael bwndel, dim ond anfon e-bost
Elusen Henry Smith – grantiau gwyliau i blant
Mae Elusen Henry Smith yn cynnig grantiau i gefnogi teithiau hamdden neu wyliau i grwpiau o blant sy'n profi anfantais neu sydd ag anableddau. Mae'n
rhaid i'r rhain ddigwydd yn y Deyrnas Unedig, ac mae'n rhaid i blant fod yn 13 oed neu'n iau. Mae ceisiadau'n cael eu derbyn tan 19 Mawrth 2024 ar gyfer teithiau sy'n digwydd rhwng 15 Ionawr a 30 Ebrill 2024.
Urddas Mislif yng Ngheredigion
Mae Cyngor Sir Ceredigion mewn partneriaeth â Chyngor Ieuenctid Ceredigion yn anelu at hyrwyddo urddas mislif a mynd i’r afael â thlodi mislif drwy ddefnyddio Grant Urddas Mislif Llywodraeth Cymru: Urddas Mislif yng Ngheredigion - Cyngor Sir Ceredigion sy’n dangos lle mae pobl yn gallu ddod o hyd i gynhyrchion mislif am ddim.
Prydau Ysgol am Ddim
Prydau Ysgol am Ddim - Cyngor Sir Ceredigion ar gael i ddisgyblion cymwys sy'n mynychu ysgolion, yn llawn amser, a reolir gan Awdurdod Addysg Ceredigion.
Grant Hanfodion Ysgol
Mae’r Grant Hanfodion Ysgol ar gael i blant a phobl ifanc sy'n gymwys i gael prydau ysgol am ddim (PYDd), Plant sy'n Derbyn Gofal, a'r rhai nad oes ganddynt hawl i gyllid cyhoeddus o’r flwyddyn dderbyn i Flwyddyn 11. Am fwy o wybodaeth Grant Hanfodion Ysgol - Cyngor Sir Ceredigion
Ewch i wefan y Cyngor Sir am wybodaeth am chymorth costau byw : Cymorth Costau Byw - Cyngor Sir Ceredigion
‘Support for Early Years’
Baby Bundle Bank
Plant Dewi can provide all baby-related necessities free of charge, including packs for new-borns, essential supplies and clothing bundles. Please visit the Baby Bundle Pack page on the Plant Dewi website.
Healthy Start
If you’re more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under 4, you may be entitled to get help to buy healthy food and milk. The Get help to buy food and milk page on the NHS website provides further information.
Sure Start Maternity Grant
You could get a one-off payment of £500 to help towards the costs of having a child. This is known as a Sure Start Maternity Grant. Further information is available on the Sure Start Maternity Grant page on the Government website.
Real Nappy Project
The Real Nappy Campaign is a UK-wide campaign which promotes the use of reusable nappies and provides impartial information and advice about choosing real nappies to parents. They cost less and are better for the environment.Further information can be found on our Real Nappy Project page.
Looking for Childcare?
Please visit our website for information on help with choosing and finding childcare Childcare and Play - Ceredigion County Council
Or visit the Family Information Services Gwybodaeth Gofal Plant Cymru - Child Care Information Wales
Childcare support for 2 year olds
Flying Start is a Welsh Government initiative which provides support and opportunities for families with children under the age of 4.
Check if you are eligible for childcare support for your 2 year old with our postcode checker: Flying Start - Ceredigion County Council
Childcare support for 3-4 year olds
The Childcare Offer provides 30 hours a week of funded Foundation Learning Provision (early education) and childcare for eligible working parents of three- and four-year-olds for up to 48 weeks of the year.
Visit our website for more information Childcare Offer for Wales - Ceredigion County Council
Help with Childcare Costs
Most families are entitled to some financial help towards the cost of childcare. To compare the different choices and find out if you are eligible for support with Childcare costs visit Childcare Choices.
Remember to choose Wales as support is different to the England childcare support.
Children and Young People’s Library Service
You are never too young to join a library! Give your child the best start in life by bringing him/her to your local library here in Ceredigion, and help him/her to become a life long reader. All for free, of course! Find out more on the Children and Young People library service at Ceredigion Library webpage.
Story and Rhyme Time for Babies and Children under 5
These are fun weekly bilingual sessions that encourage sharing books, and use songs, rhymes and movement to develop language and social skills in Welsh and English with your child. Parents also profit from making new friends by coming along to these friendly, social sessions.
Story session will be held at Aberystwyth library every Tuesday between 2:00pm - 2:30pm.
Booktrust / Dechrau Da
We support the Booktrust / Dechrau Da programme which is financed by The Welsh Government.
This is a national scheme run by Booktrust Cymru / Wales. We work with local Health Visitors in baby clinics to provide free book packs for babies at 7 to 9 months old and to each child between 18-24 months old, helping families to discover and enjoy the fun of sharing books together.
Cymraeg for Kids / Cymraeg i blant
We support the Cymraeg for Kids / Cymraeg i Blant scheme run by Mudiad Meithrin and financed by the Welsh Government.
Cymraeg i Blant Ceredigion run many different groups for children, with the main aim of encouraging the teaching and use of the Welsh language between children and their parents. Look at the Cymraeg i Blant website to find the nearest session to you.
Warm Welcome Space
Several Warm Welcome spaces offer snacks and specific activities for families and young children during school terms.
Check out the interactive map on the Council’s website to find your local Warm Welcome Space: Ceredigion Warm Welcome Spaces Winter 2023-24 – Google My Maps.
Family Centres
There are six Family Centres in Ceredigion. They offer free activities for parents with young children and an opportunity to meet up with other parents.
Their contact details are on the Family Centres webpage
Head to the County Council’s website for information on Cost-of-living support : Cost of Living Support - Ceredigion County Council.
Bwletin Costau Byw Ceredigion
‘Cefnogaeth i'r Blynyddoedd Cynnar’
Banc Bwndel Babi
Gall Plant Dewi ddarparu'r holl angenrheidiau sy'n gysylltiedig â babanod yn rhad ac am ddim, gan gynnwys pecynnau ar gyfer babanod newydd-anedig, cyflenwadau hanfodol a bwndeli dillad. Ewch i dudalen Banc Bwndel Babi ar wefan Plant Dewi.
Cychwyn Iach
Os ydych wedi bod yn feichiog am fwy na 10 wythnos neu os oes gennych blentyn dan 4 oed, efallai fod gennych hawl gael cymorth i brynu bwyd a llaeth iach. Mae’r dudalen Y Cynllun Cychwyn Iach ar wefan y GIG yn rhoi rhagor o wybodaeth.
Grant Mamolaeth Cychwyn Gadarn
Gallech gael taliad untro o £500 i helpu tuag at gostau cael plentyn. Gelwir hyn yn Grant Mamolaeth Cychwyn Cadarn. Mae rhagor o wybodaeth ar gael ar dudalen Grant Mamolaeth Cychwyn Gadarn ar wefan y Llywodraeth
Prosiect Cewynnau Go Iawn
Dyma ymgyrch ar draws y Deyrnas Unedig sy’n hyrwyddo'r defnydd o gewynnau y gellir eu hailddefnyddio ac sy’n darparu gwybodaeth a chyngor diduedd i rieni ynglŷn â dewis cewynnau go iawn. Maent yn costio llai ac yn well i'r amgylchedd. Ceir rhagor o wybodaeth ar ein tudalen Prosiect Cewynnau Go Iawn.
Chwilio am Ofal Plant?
Ewch i'n gwefan i gael gwybodaeth am help i ddewis a dod o hyd i ofal plant Gofal Plant a Chwarae - Cyngor Sir Ceredigion
Neu ewch i'r Gwasanaethau Gwybodaeth i Deuluoedd Gwybodaeth Gofal Plant Cymru - Child Care Information Wales
Cefnogaeth gofal plant i blant 2 oed
Un o fentrau Llywodraeth Cymru yw Dechrau’n Deg. Mae’n darparu cymorth a chyfleoedd i deuluoedd â phlant o dan bedair oed.
Gwiriwch a ydych yn gymwys i gael cymorth gofal plant ar gyfer eich plentyn 2 oed gyda’n gwiriwr cod post: Dechrau’n Deg - Cyngor Sir Ceredigion
Cefnogaeth gofal plant i blant 3-4 oed
Mae'r Cynnig Gofal Plant yn darparu 30 awr yr wythnos o Ddarpariaeth Dysgu Sylfaen (addysg gynnar) a gofal plant wedi ei ariannu ar gyfer rhieni cymwys sydd mewn gwaith ag sydd â phlant 3 a 4 oed, am hyd at 48 wythnos o’r flwyddyn.
Ewch i'n gwefan am ragor o wybodaeth Cynnig Gofal Plant i Gymru - Cyngor Sir Ceredigion
Help gyda chostau Gofal Plant
Mae gan y rhan fwyaf o deuluoedd hawl i gael rhywfaint o gymorth ariannol tuag at gost gofal plant. I gymharu'r gwahanol ddewisiadau a darganfod a ydych yn gymwys i gael cymorth gyda chostau Gofal Plant ewch i Dewisiadau Gofal Plant.
Cofiwch ddewis Cymru gan fod cymorth yn wahanol i gymorth gofal plant Lloegr.
Gwasanaeth Llyfrgell i Blant a Phobl Ifanc
Dydych chi byth yn rhy ifanc i ymuno â’r llyfrgell! Rhowch y dechrau gorau i’ch plentyn chi drwy ddod i’ch llyfrgell leol yma yng Ngheredigion a’i helpu i fod yn ddarllenydd gydol oes. Y cyfan, wrth gwrs, yn rhad ac am ddim! Mae rhagor o wybodaeth ar wasanaeth llyfrgell i Blant a Phobl ifanc ar
dudalen we llyfrgell Ceredigion.
Amser Stori a Chân i Fabanod a Phlant dan 5 oed
Sesiynau hwylus wythnosol yw’r rhain sy’n annog rhannu llyfrau gyda’ch plentyn, gan ddefnyddio caneuon, rhigymau a symudiadau i ddatblygu sgiliau iaith a sgiliau cymdeithasol. Mae rhieni hefyd yn elwa ar y cyfle i wneud ffrindiau newydd drwy ddod i’r sesiynau hwyliog hyn.
Mae Sesiwn Stori'n cael ei chynnal yn Llyfrgell Aberystwyth bob prynhawn dydd Mawrth rhwng 2:00yp - 2:30yp.
Dechrau Da
Rydym yn cefnogi rhaglen Dechrau Da a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru.
Mae hwn yn gynllun cenedlaethol sy’n cael ei gydlynu gan Booktrust Cymru. Rydym yn cydweithio gydag Ymwelwyr Iechyd lleol mewn clinigau babanod er mwyn darparu pecynnau o lyfrau am ddim i fabanod 7 i 9 mis oed ac i bob plentyn 18-24 mis oed, gan helpu teuluoedd i ddarganfod a mwynhau’r hwyl o rannu llyfrau gyda’i gilydd. Am fwy o wybodaeth cliciwch yma.
Cymaeg i Blant
Mae Cymraeg i Blant Ceredigion yn cynnal nifer o wahanol grwpiau ar gyfer plant, gyda’r nod o hyrwyddo dysgu a defnyddio’r Gymraeg ymhlith plant a’u rheini. Edrychwch ar dudalen Cymraeg i Blant i ddod o hyd i’r sesiwn agosaf atoch chi.
Mannau Croeso Cynnes
Mae sawl man Croeso Cynnes yn cynnig byrbrydau a gweithgareddau penodol i deuluoedd a phlant ifanc yn ystod tymhorau'r ysgol.
Edrychwch ar y map rhyngweithiol ar wefan y Cyngor i ddod o hyd i’ch Man Croeso Cynnes lleol chi: Mannau Croeso Cynnes Gaeaf 2023-24 – Google My Maps
Canolfannau Teulu
Mae chwe Chanolfan Deuluol yng Ngheredigion. Maent yn cynnig gweithgareddau am ddim i rieni â phlant ifanc a chyfle i gwrdd â rhieni eraill.
Mae eu manylion cyswllt ar dudalen we Canolfannau teulu.
Ewch i wefan y Cyngor Sir am wybodaeth am gymorth costau byw : Cymorth Costau Byw - Cyngor Sir Ceredigion
Rhowch wybod i ni beth yw eich barn am ein e-fwletin trwy ateb dau gwestiwn. Cliciwch yma er mwyn lenwi’r arolwg