Film Night
Please book at least 48 hours before the film night to reserve a seat for the film.
There are conditions attached to the licence, in that, anyone attending must be a member of Cymuned and any payment made cannot be for viewing the film. The cost of membership is £12.00 per person for a year. We are also restricted as to the maximum number of people who can view at any one time. A raffle ticket will be sold, £2.00 per ticket, on entry. The film shown will be the raffle prize. Ice Cream and refreshments will be available for purchase. You are welcome to bring your own snacks and drink along. If there are sufficient numbers there will be food available at 6.00pm, before the films. The meal will be a main course, dessert and coffee. Cost is £6.00 for members and £7.50 to none members.
Please let the newsletter know if you wish to attend the film and meals are to be booked at least 48 hours in advance. You can have the meal without any obligation to see the films.
It is proposed to show Films again. How and when you would like the films shown? :-
Saturday evenings with food;
Saturday no food;
Any other day; or
Time of day afternoon/evening.
Please contact the newsletter editor with any thoughts or ideas.
If you have any suggestions for films to be shown please contact the newsletter editor.